Monique Vette Alchemist
Transmuting trauma into freedom

Waking Up Nefertiri
Guidance, Support, Change.
Helping you to navigate out of Trauma naturally to see your beauty within
12 month container
Gender specific groups only.
You’ve come to a point in your life where you thought it was were you wanted to be. Yet you’re looking at yourself like…How?
How did I get here? How did I allow my life to unfold like this and where has my happiness gone?
Where’s the joy that I used to have?Where's all the excitement gone? Actually when was the last time I LAUGHED?
Do you feel like this?
You feel like you have a cloud of darkness over you every day. You’re just coping from day to day.
You know life can be better BUT you don’t know how.
You are filled with extreme highs and lows. Everyone else around you looks like they are enjoying life and here you are just floating along. Feeling numb, flat, unhappy and soaked in a sadness you can’t shift.
To everyone else around you, you seem fine. In fact they come to you for all their needs. When they ask you how you are. You smile and say… I’m ok thanks.
BUT actually you’re not. You’re not okay and you have no clue what it is that needs to happen to make you happier, OR your life better.
You wish you had someone that could help you. Even if it’s to get clarity over everything that is going on in your life.
But where?
It's right here, waiting for you.
This course is to help you shift your mindset caused by any emotion that’s taking over you. From anxiety/PTSD/CPTSD, deep sadness and every other emotion trauma brings.
By shifting this trauma pain you can live more freely and pain free. Emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
You will learn to:
Shift yourself though dark moments with ease.
Guide yourself out of an anxiety attack or panic attack.
Shift from having heaviness in your life. To a lightness, you’ll breathe easier.
More freedom within self with more joy and happiness.
Release negative patterns.
To shift your life from confined and afraid, TO open and free.
Deal with the overwhelm of life.
Simplify things down and access tools that you’ll have for life.
Learn all the tools in the 6 step signature programme Monique designed herself.
Your outcome:
Have very clear strong boundaries.
Know what your true yes and no are and what it feels like in your body.
Feel more empowered within yourself.
Know how to handle the ‘shit’ things when life throws it at you and deal with it like a boss.
Have more joy and happiness in your life.
Feel a sense of freedom within self.
More expansiveness with everything you do.
Understand what your tiggers are and how to work though them.
Have a strong sense of self awareness and who/what you're are about.
How about letting Monique take the worries and stress off your shoulders? So you can breathe?
In this personal growth course we will work together. So you get to embody your full self.
Taking the pressure off and allowing you to have the space and clarity that you desperately crave.
This course is to help empower you so you can have the life that you truly desire. Having freedom from Trauma.
Online Course
Application Open
Women only (men please contact me directly)
$4992 AUD
(payment plans are available)
Over the 12 months you will receive
Fortnightly teachings to my 6 step signature programme to help you heal through PTSD/CPTSD naturally.
Shamanic Journeys/meditations
Group coaching fortnightly.
Guest speakers/healers sharing their medicine with us.
Private Facebook Group (Support)- To re-cap on the lessons and share other valuable content. It's also to meet others experiencing what you're going through and have the support network around you.
Group Chat through telegram for extra support. Mon-Fri
Nudge app support to help you with your daily routines/rituals.
This is for you; if you are willing to work on yourself and are dedicated to bringing change into your life.
This is not for you; if you are wanting someone else to do the work for you.
Monique has years of experience behind her with what works with healing PTSD. Come join her community on facebook. She would love to have you there.

Finding YOU Within
Helping you to navigate through challenges while giving you the mindset tools to make it a permanent change.
6 month or 12 month 1 to 1 container
Do you hear yourself stuck on repeat all the time? Your mind goes from one negative thing to the next. You try to stop it, yet its just an endless cycle of going around and around in your mind.
You know that there are ways to help with all this, yet you dont know where to start. Or how to start.
Monique will help take the pressure away from you, hold you in a safe space and help you get to the bottom of what is truly triggering you.
With the guidance of Ancient Wisdom and healing, Word Alchemy, tools and other gems of wisdom that may come through.
Monique will help you shift quickly from your trauma state of being, helping you to step into your best version of yourself.
Whether you need help in shifting through a period of darkness or needing clarity in life. Monique will access the parts of you that are hidden and reveal them to you in a safe clear space.
The benefits of this container:
1:1 with Monique via zoom with recording x2 per month.
You will be given tools and guidance to use in your daily life.
Access to all online workshops where applicable.
You will feel lighter, have more joy and feel expansiveness within.
Have clarity in every step you take forward.
Feel stronger and more confident in yourself. Leading to actions which are aligned to you truthfully.
Be able to dive into areas that you may not want to 'see'.
Understand how to work on your mindset by implementing steps aligned to you.
Plus SO MUCH MORE! So book in for a free 30min call and let's see if we are a fit for each other.
Monique is a word alchemist and shamanic healer.
She has the ability to connect to aspects of your soul that may be hidden to you. She will weave her magic by connecting through shamainc practices bringing through gifts that will help to activate hidden gems within you. Read more about her here.
No refunds due to the energetic container created for this safe space, to allow healing to unfold.